A Good Relationship Is About Two Things: True Love And Unconditional Support

A Good Relationship Is About Two Things True Love And Unconditional Support
A Good Relationship Is About Two Things True Love And Unconditional Support

A Good Relationship Is About Two Things: True Love And Unconditional Support

What is your opinion of a good relationship? Do you think it’s about getting agree on whatever your partner says without having any opinion of yours? Or do you think it’s about intimacy and romance? But not, a good relationship is the connection or spark that you feel till your last breath with your partner and support.

Absolute love and unconditional support

Indeed, a good relationship has two pillars on which it lays its foundation: absolute love and unconditional support from your partner. These two pillars make your relationship exist long, so if your partner restricts you from doing what you wish in your life, you can not take such a relationship for a more extended period of life. On the other hand, if your relationship is only about what your partner says, you’d need to see where you are in such an alliance. Whether you have any existence or not? Whether your partner values your opinions or not?

Partner cum companion

In a healthy relationship, partners are not only in a love relationship, but they should be friends that can support their partner in ups and downs occurred in life. A partner could be your best friend and companion if it can play the role of both simultaneously as that of bestowing absolute love and unconditional support. So often, one partner needs to compromise in their dreams or pursue what they wish because of your partner’s wish.

Choose what you wish for your life wisely.

Despite having heated arguments in the difference of opinion, you and your partner should respect each other’s point of view. And if your partner doesn’t support band respects your views, you should rethink your decision to spend your life with such a person. Or ready to live with a person who always imposes their choices on you. If you are ready to get dominated by your partner or don’t have any issues agreeing on whatever your partner iterate, you are in the right relationship.

But remember, a healthy relationship is all about true love and support. So with these two factors, every other element you would find in your relationship such as compatibility, trust, faith understanding, respect, etc. Because where love and support exist in a relationship, it comes up with all such elements.

However, in a good relationship, the most important thing is that you both love each other, and if your relationship has love and spark in it, it will last long. Love gives you the power to achieve whatever wish in your life, and support from your partner encourages you not to lose hope and consistently try and try until you achieve. So if you don’t feel that support and strength that should come from your partner, then such a relationship could not exist for a more extended period. In a good relationship, you can fly with the wings of love and unconditional support from your partner. So if it exists, then get set, ready to sprout the seeds of your success.

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  1. Cynthia Akinyi

    Inspiring Article. Thank you so much.

  2. Praveenkumar KV

    it is indeed a true article. This give me an true insight of myself.Thank you for this valueble words.

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